Friday, August 22, 2008

Reading Howard Zinn...

It forever surprises me, or rather never seems quite real, that so much of history is the story of men with lusts for wealth or power behaving like school yard bullies or drunken idiots.


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Writing is so powerful. Especially when you read something from the past. I think I'm going to start commenting on your blog site...mostly cause I miss talking to you. I've had all kinds of problems getting this movie finished up....I've got a web site and everything kinda makes me sick thinking about it...oh and I'm going to this retreat in NH this weekend..its "mandatory" (*hands waving in air*) you know that feeling when you're gut is telling you something and you dont quite trust yourself enough to listen?? or you dont quite have the ability to do anything about it. powerlessness sucks. yet some men thrive on others powerlessness especially upon this some aedipus complex thing?

  2. I know what you mean about your gut sounding an alarm and being too worried about what it'll mean to listen. I hate moments like that because it's not just about powerlessness - it's about trust too. How much can we trust the self inside to do what is right in the great scheme of our all makes sense if we let it, but what if it is too hard at any given moment to listen and follow through on your gut's orders? Maybe its a warning then, a "watch for this because once you are ready you are going to have to act". I get stuck lots of times, especially feeling like I do need to scream to be able to speak up for it's either be quiet or be a hurricane. I've no middle ground sometimes.
