Friday, December 11, 2009

The Emperor's Clothes

As we judge, so we live & experience our lives. How many times have I cried in the last year, two, three??

There are countless challenges waiting to happen; that have happened, and I have not been stopped in the living of my life. I have been challenged, hurt, broken down to my finer pieces, and I've done what was necessary for me to continue as me - but more than myself, because I hope to constantly build on the blocks I was first given.

And there are moments when I can step back and say, "Look this is happening, but I know I can do this. I don't want to, but I will do this."

And that is only a slight warmth of consolation. But it is better than stopping, than saying "I give up. I cannot do it, therefore I won't!" Because how could I ever live with myself if I did that? What elaborate phantasms of rationalizations would be created to convince me I was not a coward?

Is that still an appropriate word? Coward? Yes. I can cower before fate, or I can move on, weeping if need be, but moving.