Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ok blogger we'll see

So apparently I'm supposed to have "Embedded Comments" on my posts but I don't think it will show up on the blog page as it first should make it easier to read and post comments hopefully.

That being said I'm trying to go tech with the writing movement and drying my clothes on a line on the porch. All hail the sun!!!

Being...states of being, I can be in so many different minds in the course of a week...though generally speaking I tend to inhabit one or two for several days at a time. Paid labor mind, partner mind, writing mind, imagination mind....all this stuff we carry and yet it is amazing too to see a character in fiction as diverse as a live person, we hail it if it is done wisely with craft to create tension in a story...reflecting our own stories..."a day in the life" I quoted to my mother earlier today. The Beatles song comes to mind and so do the short stories by John Kessel. Especially the Lunar these out if gender satire and a fresh perspective are on your menu.
I have to admit I have been surprised by his ability to handle this sub-genre so adroitly when I've largely only studied women writers in this avenue...(minored in this type of lit in college).
So he gets a huge bravo from me for tackling it...the gender utopia/dystopia field is richer for it.

And there comes a point in every young feminist's life where she comes to understand that no matter how much we raise our consciousness if the rest of society does not come along for the ride we are still fighting that battle everyday, until we get too tired and we begin to narrow our battlefields for lack of resources.
That sounds incredibly pessimistic I know, but it is a reality of all human interactions that all we can change is our own responses, even if we don't want to admit that.

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