Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ch ch changes...

Moving into a new apartment and a new phase of life, the solstice is passed, and Imbolc is coming up, the festival of the first pre-Spring births.
I've a new story in the works, a new home to move into next week and a new sense of commitment to myself.
Jeanette Winterson used the phrase, "Love is an intervention" in her last novel Stone Gods, I was recently reminded that the opposite of love is not hate, but fear. Fear is also, unfortunately an intervention. We've all experienced it. We lash out, behave badly, do something we're ashamed of, or unable to forgive ourselves for things we don't really need to be ashamed of, but can't help that reaction. We can surprise by letting fear rule, and not embracing the love we hold for our innerselves, nor the people around us. It is a limiting and isolating experience.
My man M.A. (see last post) repeatedly states that we are not isolated beings. Humans are made to be here for each other, teach and comfort each other. We are social, community driven animals and to go against those essential drives is to thwart human nature. Of course we also all need to be alone sometimes, as a writer, solitary is required.

Fear, and love, are too much for us sometimes. Each is what moves us, and what we can do is react to the best of our abilities, every time we are able.

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