Sunday, April 09, 2006

Time flies and lots of changes

I feel a need to be able to rationalize and make intelligible my beliefs up until the point of the Mystery.
So that is good, because ultimately my perspective/point of view of reality (yup that's everything) is embedded in my spirituality and I think this is precisely the reason why pluralism and crossing the bridge of understanding can be so hard for humans. What we believe is what we know. And vice versa.
There's something to be said for trying to turn back to our origins, I think I was trying to find lost innocence, re-discover the self I was before I began to make my own decisions about my reality. It was a good journey, a tough one and ultimately the lesson is that I can't go back, only move forward. Sometimes we have to decide what to discard and what to keep of things we've learned, behaviors too routine, and reactions that are knee jerks when the next step in our explorations comes knocking on the door.
Like the wisdom traditions tend to point out - the more we learn the less we know and I feel like I at least checked off something on my list of things to do/discover/learn. That feels good.
So now is the end of Spring semester, just a couple more weeks. I've got an exegesis to write and a large paper due in May. Which I should be getting too.

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